Magnetic Money -The money manifestation course for the OVERGIVING heart centred women who is READY to attract her DREAM bank balance

Magnetic Money💷💷💷

The money manifestation course for the OVERGIVING heart centred women who is READY to attract her DREAM bank balance after a LIFETIME of feeling anxious about money. It never feels like enough. Always chasing that higher salary/6 Figures.

Sometimes you may even get there but it doesn’t feel enough – so you go again to get more! You work harder, do more just to try and feel safe around money. It either disappears quicker than you made it or you hoard it in your savings account. But no amount of money in there feels enough! You can’t let go of its hold on you ⛓️‍💥.

An unexpected expense can push you over the edge. You have been working on it though and are getting better at showing yourself some love by investing in your healing journey. You name it you have invested in it – in order to fix yourself ❤️‍🩹!

You so long for an overflowing bank account without feeling guilt/shame free when you book yourself on that spiritual retreat in Mexico or take your family on a luxury all expense holiday or invest in that nutritionist!  You would love to be able to have the overflow so you can get that damn cleaner , gardener and support with business. Or the overflow so you can quit that shit job and go for your purpose. But you tell yourself … one day when I have the cash, higher salary, more clients etc etc THEN I can go for my dreams ✨.

It doesn’t come though. So you keep doing MORE in order to feel worthy. More work , more giving, more healing. Then you just get so frustrated because your like maybe this manifestation stuff just doesn’t work FOR ME! GRRR. You have read about it in all the books but you tell yourself for me it’s just not possible 😞.

You are an action taker. You do the stuff your therapist etc told you to do. But still you can’t seem to get into a space of OVERFLOW with your money and it making you feel unsafe no matter how much there is.

Newsflash my love this isn’t actually about the money. I am going to take a guess that you didn’t always feel safe as a kid around money. Maybe your parents argued about it, maybe there just wasn’t enough, or your parents were immigrants or you didn’t always feel provided for and like your needs got met all the time.  Trauma as a kid can really F with our relationship with money!

🪄Roll in your trauma informed fairy godmother ME! TADA!!! Manpreet Johal Bernie to the rescue🪄!

You probably don’t know this but you have an anxious/avoidant relationship with money. Because you don’t believe its always going to be there for you. Securely attached people EXPECT money to flow and it does. Its not about being good enough or good or bad. Money is just energy and its available to everyone!

However because of whatever happened in the past you are not an energetic match for it ….YET! We just need to use self healing on  this wound and get that money OVERFLOWING to you! This is proactive and shifts energy fast! NO MORE WAITING!

I teach you exactly HOW to do this in my course  Magnetic Money including how to make your body feel SAFE to receive! This is from my 6 month programme Overflow -  Health + Abundance creator for the overgiving heart centred woman which is £3333 for 6 months but you get the framework for money creation for just £99!!!!!

So no more chasing crumbs of cash its time to get consistent reliable money flowing to you all year around ! So you can allow money to amplify your life not control how worthy you feel.

    Learn more and let’s start being a magnet for all the cash to change your life! What you going to use the overflow for???? And don’t worry I am also going to teach you how to actually enjoy your cash without guilt and shame . Plus how to hold on to it so you have a perfect balance.  

    Here is what you will learn:

    ⭐️ My Daily/Monthly/Yearly Money rituals for a healthy bank balance ⭐️

    ⭐️Unlock the MAGNETIC money flow ⭐️

    ⭐️ Increase body and nervous system capacity to receive ⭐️

    ⭐️ How to heal the wounding around money ⭐️

    ⭐️ Breaking through ancestral money patterns ⭐️

    ⭐️ EFT Tapping scripts for wealth creation, debt clearing, savings and more ⭐️

    ⭐️ Plus self healing techniques, visualisations, journaling workbook and spreadsheets to manage your money! ⭐️

    ✨How do I know about this?✨

    I have literally CHANGED MY LIFE and clients around the world using  a combination of spiritual principles like law of attraction but mixing it with trauma informed techniques. Like nervous system work and somatic practices.

    The reason I found my own way - I did not feel safe to receive or surrender like the books tell you to. In fact it made me anxious and afraid. If your childhood wasn’t the safest and you have been healing from that, then this means manifesting techniques needs to be a little different.

    This mixed in with an extremely abusive dad who told me daily I was not good enough, ugly , stupid and wanted more and more from me to prove my worth. So I had strong beliefs not only that I was not worthy of my desires and even my basic needs being met. 

    I had to overcome this programming and it didn’t feel safe to go against him. He may have been dead but for my mind and body he was very much alive and I was wired from surviving him. It literally didn’t feel safe to go against him even changing my career to follow my dream of coaching or manifesting more money then he ever had.

    The relationship with my dad impacted my relationship with men, my body and money!!! I didn’t feel worthy of having more than enough because he had told me I was worthless because his dad had told him the same.

    A psychologist diagnosed me with complex PTSD but regardless I have made myself into a manifesting machine:

    ⭐️Meeting and marrying the man of my dreams after years of relationships with emotionally unavailable men and daddy issues (love addiction) 

    ⭐️Clearing £10,0000s of debt with ease! 

    ⭐️Creating my dream business and going form £22k to £103k in a year

    ⭐️Buying the house from my vision board

    ⭐️Dream garden wedding. I manifested £15k cash for this

    ⭐️Fully booked with clients

    ⭐️Taking my husband on a luxury belated honeymoon in Gran Canaria

    ⭐️Travelling 6 times a year

    ⭐️Healing my body from auto immunity, anxiety and insomnia

    ⭐️An award winning podcast which has been listened to by 62000 people so far!

    I am stubborn I don’t take NO for an answer. I don’t want to just put up and shut up. 

    Like you I am not afraid of doing the work but I was just doing the WRONG work and A LOT OF IT. I invested so much and I couldn't get anywhere.

    I was tired of all these manifesting books just not addressing trauma as it kinda of makes us feel like there is something wrong with us when it doesn’t work. When our bodies LITERALLY just don't feel safe to receive is all. 

    This course is part of my 6 month programme Overflow - Health + Abundance creator for the overgiving heart centred woman which is £3333 for 6 months but you get the framework for money creation for just £99!!!!!

    So you can manifest money right now, enjoy it and hold some to keep you feeling safe! OHHHH all with by doing less BTW! None of this overworking business. I am here for a life of balance, health and wealth thanks!

    Imagine in 6 months a bursting savings account whilst lying on a beach in the Maldives after flying first class and having the cash to buy you freedom! That is right pay people to do all the stuff you hate doing . A chef to make your healthy meals or using the cash to invest in yourself further so you can do work you love and stop telling yourself that you will do x when you have the money! You can just bloody do it!!

    No more waiting to feel worthy . You are now!  You will feel fabulous before the money even arrives with my healing hacks.


    This is for you if:

    ⭐️You are ready to create HUGE shifts in your money over the next 6 months. Getting those credit cards cleared , booking that retreat, getting that mortgage for your dream house , increasing your income by 300% , getting more sales,  whatever your money wish is,. You are ready to go ALL IN to make these dreams come true and CHANGE YOUR LIFE.  You are not afraid to do the inner work to turn your money dreams into your reality.

    ⭐️You know you experienced trauma as a child with your parents or in your childhood home. Felt emotionally neglected, didn’t always feel safe because of adult emotional outbursts and your needs weren’t met. You parents had a complicated relationship with money too.

    ⭐️A chronic people pleaser who puts others before herself- Someone who has struggled with the relationship with self and others. You tend to overfunction for others.

     ⭐️You have invested so much into in healing financially and energetically! But you just can’t seem to move the needle with your money! Its there one minute gone the next or you just can’t enjoy it.  Telling yourself you need more and then you will feel worthy to spend it. You are either really controlling with money or drop it faster than a hot potato. You are frustrated you just want more than just enough it stresses you out and you have had enough!

    ⭐️You are frustrated with your earnings. Always feeling like you need to DO more and push yourself to be worthy but always feeling like you are in the same position. It never feels like enough

    ⭐️You are done worrying about money all the time. You want to empower yourself with it instead.   

    ⭐️You keep trying to change your financial reality and do all the manifestation practices . You see some improvements but no overflow in cash. You want consistent more than enough money! Not just crumbs here and there. You are ready to shift past the belief that money is just not meant for you.

    ⭐️You are done waiting for your dreams. You are ready to learn from someone who knows exactly what to do with your history and make REAL CHANGE

    This is not for you if : 

    ❌You are always buying self development courses and don't press play. Sorry this only works with ACTION my love. When you are READY to press play and take action come back! its ok if the time is not right yet. 

    ❌You like the idea of more  money,but will avoid actually doing anything as it feels painful when you touch these wounds. Regardless of the support and content you struggle to take the action right now. That is ok! You are just not ready yet. Come back when you are.

    ❌You are new to healing so right now your emotions are running the show like grief, sadness, anxiety, anger and it exhausts you. You have no space for the new as you are just struggling with the old so much it takes over! 

    My recommendation would be that my masterclass Empowered Adult or Heal Your Inner child would be more suitable. email me at and I can give you some recommendations. As it sounds like you are in a healing winter and need tools as support to move through this phase. This class can come next! 

    For those of you who are READY for TRANSFORMATION in your money energetics LET’S GOOOO

    Let’s go on a journey together to make your cash OVERFLOW! So you no longer feel anxious about money but can enjoy spending it and it nourishing your life. Spoiling those you love and yourself GUILT AND SHAME FREE!

    This year I am working on making huge intentions to amplify my money and in particular the overflow! I had a 6 figure year last year but there wasn’t much overflow. So this year that is where all my attention is  and I CANNOT WAIT to take you on this journey with me.  My intention for this course is for us ALL TO GENERATE WEALTH!  It's going to be like one big money party ! Healing ancestral wounds together. Letting go of what no longer serves us so we can go into our RICH AF era!

    I take the action, I do the uncomfortable self-healing and my life changes. I have seen it time and time again. You will learn EVERYTHING I am doing right now to generate multi 6 figures years with an OVERFLOW! So that is no debt, a fat savings account and loads of cash to enjoy my life! As well as money for investing in my future.  So if you are all in this cannot not work for you.

    Life is a mirror 🪞 and when its not working the way you want despite you doing all the things its time to go within as the answer lies there and I will help you find it.

    Let’s gooooooo!!!

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