Manifest Magic - The framework to stop trauma f-ing with your future

Manifest Magic✨

The framework to stop trauma f-ing with your future

You have had the realisation that you have put everyone before yourself your whole life and now your life just isn't where you want it to be! 

You are sick of being last on your list and you are ready for MORE! You are done with the constant pattern of healing and exhausting yourself.

Feeling like you need to do more and more to get there!

In your dark moments you wonder if you should just give up on your dream and just be ok with where you are at. Just accept it.. because for whatever reason the universe doesn’t want you to have it

But that desire just doesn’t shift! Which frustrates you . You actually can’t let this go.

You have no other choice but to go all in! No more waiting

This dream is meant for you that is why it is on your heart. The reason you have got stuck is because of the past. This has created limiting  beliefs, protective behaviours patterns and your nervous system has limited your capacity to receive as it was wired for survival not expansion. Your body LITERALLY doesn't feel safe to receive but that's ok because I am going to teach you how.

You are so READY to attract MAGIC into your life and change your story. But you are done with waiting. You are ready to GO ALL IN to create a new life in 6 months.

You want to take the overwhelm out and get all the steps from someone who is a MANIFESTATION MAGNET

    Here is what you will learn:

    ⭐️ My daily tools and practices I am using right now to manifest my next dream

    ⭐️ Visualisation techniques

    ⭐️ Journalling practices

    ⭐️ What to do daily so that the trauma doesn’t keep your life stuck

    ⭐️ How to manifest successfully despite having been through trauma

     ⭐️ Nervous system tools to keep your vibe high

    ✨How do I know about this?✨

    I have literally CHANGED MY LIFE and clients around the world using  a combination of spiritual principles like law of attraction but mixing it with trauma informed techniques. Like nervous system work and somatic practices.

    The reason I found my own way - I did not feel safe to receive or surrender like the books tell you to. In fact it made me anxious and afraid. If your childhood wasn’t the safest and you have been healing from that this means manifesting technique needs to be a little different.

    This mixed in with an extremely abusive dad who told me daily I was not good enough, ugly , stupid and wanted more and more from me to prove my worth. So I had strong beliefs not only that I was not worthy of my desires and even my basic needs being met. 

    I had to overcome this programming and it didn’t feel safe to go against him. He may have been dead but for my mind and body he was very much alive and I was wired from surviving him. It literally didn’t feel safe to go against him even changing my career to follow my dream of coaching or manifesting more money then he ever had.

    A psychologist diagnosed me with complex PTSD but regardless I have made myself into a manifesting machine:

    ⭐️Meeting and marrying the man of my dreams after years of relationships with emotionally unavailable men and daddy issues (love addiction) 

    ⭐️Clearing £10,0000s of debt with ease! 

    ⭐️Creating my dream business and going form £22k to £103k in a year

    ⭐️Buying the house from my vision board

    ⭐️Dream garden wedding. I manifested £15k cash for this

    ⭐️Fully booked with clients

    ⭐️Taking my husband on a luxury belated honeymoon in Gran Canaria

    ⭐️Travelling 6 times a year

    ⭐️Healing my body from auto immunity, anxiety and insomnia

    ⭐️An award winning podcast which has been listened to by 62000 people so far!

    I am stubborn I don’t take NO for an answer. I don’t want to just put up and shut up. 

    Like you I am not afraid of doing the work but I was just doing the WRONG work and A LOT OF IT. I invested so much and I couldn't get anywhere.

    I was tired of all these manifesting books just not addressing trauma as it kinda of makes us feel like there is something wrong with us when it doesn’t work. When our bodies LITERALLY just don't feel safe to receive is all. 

    I am here to share my manifesting frame work with you using myself as a case study! You get everything I do daily to change my life!

    This is for you if:

    ✅You are ready to create HUGE shifts in your life over the next 6 months. You are ready to make your dreams of being free of your past and have a whole new life where you feel safe, worthy , free to have ANYTHING. Love , wealth, health , inner peace. Whatever it is your ready to go ALL IN to make these dreams come true and CHANGE YOUR LIFE

    ✅You know you experienced trauma as a child with your parents or in your childhood home. Felt emotionally neglected, didn’t always feel safe because of adult emotional outbursts and your needs weren’t met.

    ✅A chronic people pleaser who puts others before herself- Someone who has struggled with the relationship with self and others

    ✅You have invested so much into in healing financially and energetically! But you just can’t seem to move forwards to your big desires like Love, wealth, health or even living with purpose! You are frustrated as a result.

    ✅You are frustrated with your earnings. Always feeling like you need to DO more and push yourself to be worthy but always feeling like you are in the same position. It never feels like enough

    ✅You are anxious and worry about the future, other people and worry lot. Taking a leap of faith feels very unsafe but you are so ready to get over this and claim your new life

    ✅You have burnt yourself out with all the healing, people pleasing, overdoing , achieving and over giving! Its literally made you sick in your mind and your body.  From auto-immune , weight gain/loss, sleep deprivation, increased anxiety. Your mind and body have sent you signs that you are not ok with your current process! And you don’t feel like you are anywhere near getting near your dream more like your rolling backwards!

    ✅You are done waiting for your dreams. You are ready to learn from someone who knows exactly what to do with your history and make REAL CHANGE

    This is not for you if : 

    ❌You are always buying self development courses and don't press play. Sorry this only works with ACTION my love. When you are READY to press play and take action come back! its ok if the time is not right yet. 

    ❌You like the idea of more  money, true love, purpose, inner peace but will avoid actually doing anything as its too uncomfortable so you would rather stay as you are. Your are not ready and that is ok come back when you are done with the status quo! 

    ❌You are new to healing so right now your emotions are running the show like grief, sadness, anxiety, anger and it exhausts you. You have no space for the new as you are just struggling with the old so much it takes over! This means you need Heal Your Inner Child work instead. I have another course for that

    For those of you who are READY for TRANSFORMATION

    Lets go on a journey together to make your dreams FINALLY come true! An untangle yourself from the past so it stops getting you to spin around in circles💫

    This year I am working on making huge intentions come into my reality with health, wealth, relationships and so much more! I cannot wait take you on this journey with me. OF EXPANSION! 


    This masterclass is how I am manifesting magic in my life as I have done before. I want to help 1000s of you do the same! I am eagerly awaiting your messages of transformations like amazing first date, marriage proposals, your health dramatically changing, baby scans, dreamy clients and attracting money with ease! Whatever you desire I am your fairy TRAUMA INFORMED godmother and we are making it happen my love. You are worthy 


    I know you can do it and together we get to create EVEN more! Its so powerful. But first we need you to change who you are and this class will explain how.  Its time for an IDENTITY SHIFT


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