So for the next 90 days commit to doing the inner work and changes to shift your vibration on physical, mental, spiritual and emotional level. And see what changes in your reality.
Through this process you will become aware of what is not an energetic match so you can shed these aspects creating more space for the future you to come through!
My Name is Manpreet and I am Self healing coach and mentor. Who has helped people changed their lives around the world through self healing.
I am doing my process on myself right now and I want to do this with you. My intention is around wealth and abundance expansion too. As I prepare my life and body for growing my family at 43 and scaling my business. The last time I fully committed to this process I got together with my now husband after 37 years of chasing unavailable men! And I left my corporate job at the BBC and launched my business which sold out and hit 6 figures.
The last couple of years I kept doing the 90 days process and each time I couldn’t quite embody the future me as I had so much to shed, release and grief from the old identity. Some of you this is what will be the focus of your challenge. The shadow work is necessary to let in more light so you can raise your vibration.
Each of your journeys will be so different. Trust’s the universes divine timing and the soul journey your soul chose when they came! I know trust has been a struggle for you. But we will work on this as this is important part of raising your vibration.
So who is IN to do this with me ? You just need an intention for expansion in Wealth and Abundance. Can be relationships, clients , money ,friendships, health. Whatever you want to call in the overflow for.
This only works if you are super committed like I am as this is not for the faint hearted. This is deep inner work so you got to be ALL IN on that future you! For it to work it has to be your priority for the next 90 days.
The result in divine timing you desire will literally just show up in your reality with ease. Because you did all the work to be a vibrational match for it.
When I met my husband I had done this process. I was just being me . Loving the life I created. No chasing and he quite literally came in and pursued me. It was the easiest part of the process.
The hard part? Shedding all the parts of me that didn’t feel safe or worthy! But that is what this challenge will support you with.
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Manpreet xx