EXPANSION🎙️🦋 – 5 Part Manifestation Podcast Series for the OVERGIVING heart centred women who is ready to CLAIM health AND wealth..no more waiting

Learn how to unlock your nervous system to EXPAND  and get out of survival so you are a MAGNET for your dreams for your health and wealth dreams

🎙️Episode 1 : Your body and bank makes you feel so anxious and how self healing will change your story

🎙️Episode 2: Unlock Your Desire - Lets get clear about what is possible for your health and wealth and not what someone else told you! 

🎙️Episode 3: Creating a big magnetic why - Transformation is uncomfortable and our ego does not like it! You will need a HUGE WHY to make this dream a reality so I am going to coach you on how to do this

🎙️Episode 4: Death of Old traumatised self – You have to let go of the version of you that was a victim of trauma as the energy of lack , scarcity , fear and shame is messing with your vibes.

🎙️Episode 5: Building the Faith muscle when past trauma makes trust and receiving so uncomfortable

🎙️Bonus episode! 

After listening you understand the reason why you self sabotage at times with your health and even with your wealth!  And  have Actionable steps you KNOW what you can do NOW so you can get manifesting regardless of the past traumas and limiting beliefs. As well as ... How to create trust when you have tried everything!  

Let's go on a journey together to make your dreams FINALLY come true! And untangle yourself from the past so you stop going around in circles


This year I am working on making huge intentions come into my reality with health, wealth, relationships and so much more! I want to take you on this journey with me. First stop is this FREE podcast series.


I am SO EXCITED to see what we create together🥳.


So sign up and you will get the podcast straight away to binge listen.

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Check out 5 podcasts and 2 bonus surprises to support your journey to expand your body and bank to the next level and make your desires a reality

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