Super charge your Self Worth Self learning

Super charge yourself worth to up level to the life designed by your highest self. No more letting self sabotage, procastination and self belief hold you back.  This is an 8 week course with 8 weekly lessons a! Learn how to create a life you dream of without letting the trauma of the past hold you back.

Your soul came here to live and incredible life. To fulfil its purpose! Fear and trauma can hold us back. Now you understand generational trauma and feel safer in your body life is already improving. But are you ready for more? For a life that is alignment with what you came here for! More money, more love, more abundance, more joy and more fulfillment. You are worthy of that! 

9 Modules

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Welcome to Supercharge your Self Worth the 8 week experience to make you a MAGNET for the life you wish to create! 


This module goes through all the rituals you need to have so that you are able to attract all you wish for. 

Self Belief

This week we explore how to have had unlimited beliefs so you can make any goal achievable

Self Worth

We are looking at our blocks to feeling worthy this week.  This belief that really can hold us up! 

Self Sabotage

This  week we are looking at how we sabotage our progress and the little devil that tries to hold us back! 

Raise Your Vibration

Learn how to become a magnet for your dreams!  When vibrate at a higher frequency we attract a different life to a whole new level


You are here for a magical reason. There is no one else here like you! All your traumas and life lessons have been preparing you for this purpose! Let's explore you purpose! 

The Process

This is the module that brings it all together. There is no homework but this is the module to watch and repeat as many times as you need. So you know the EXACT steps you need to take. When you get overwhelmed come back to this! 

Modules for this product 9

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