Available Products

Freedom from Anxiety FREE mini course

Find your inner peace and STOP your mind going into all the what if scenarios. 

It holds us back and sabotages our joy in the moment.

Watch this mini course on Freedom from anxiety for FREE! Find out why you are this way and how you can change with a break down of steps to take! 

Reprogram YOUR Habits

Our habits determine the quality of our life. But so much of what do every day is unconscious and it can make us feel like we are powerless. When we are able to intentionally create habits we can determine the direction our life takes! 

But how do we do this? When our brains push us to go for that cake! we are going to talk about how to change your worst habits like emotional eating, overworking, even dating the wrong people they are all habits you are in to ignore pain! 

But once we master moving through our emotions we no longer need 

EVOLVE past the trauma money blocks for Entrepreneurs

This 90 minute masterclass is for the ENTREPRENEUR who is ready to release fears and trauma wounds about money to build UNLIMITED self belief so you can take action and follow your life's purpose! 

Power of NO - Mini Course to reclaim back your energy

Receive life time access to a course that supports you in saying NO to protect your own energy as the highest form of self love.

This course will be here for you whenever you need to repeat the process of setting boundaries and saying no. Changing behaviours takes time and repetition for the behaviour change to become who you are. 

This mini course goes through:

  • Why you people please in excess
  • How to build boundaries for beginners
  • How to begin to express your truth
  • How to support your nervous system when you say no
  • How saying no helps others and yourself
  • Using EFT tapping to take your power back
  • How to empower yourself and move forwards from people pleasing and taking care of yourself
  • How to take care of your own energy
  • How to say NO as form of self love

With a collection of videos, slides and exercises for you to work through. 

Manpreet xx

EFT Tapping to Help Shift Anxiety & Ease Childhood Trauma

Say goodbye to anxious thoughts ruining your day and getting trapped in emotions of the past! 

EFT tapping is emotional freedom tapping technique which is scienctifically proven to release the body of trauma! As the body remembers even if you are not consciously aware of how the past effected you. 

Anxiety is often the symptom of the past! 

This course will help you create your own tapping scripts and also share ones I use every day for childhood trauma and anxiety!! So you can take charge of your emotions so they don't take charge of you ! 

Turn Your Story Into Your Purpose

Are you ready to unlock the power within your story and turn it into your purpose?

Turn Your Story into Your Purpose is a 3-day challenge designed to unlock your inner potential and guide you towards a fulfilling new career path. By using your own healing journey and life experience to carve out a new career full of abundance, balance and fulfillment

What if there was a bigger reason for your pain and suffering? That you soul came to use what you have been through to change lives! 

This course has already happened so you will get the replays

Heal Your Inner Child - Self Learning

A go at your own pace course to heal your inner child so that you can move past the pain from your childhood,  so  you are no longer looking for love and acceptance outside of you! You can find it within.

No more people pleasing and giving your power away! It is time to love yourself to step away from toxic! Make peace with your family even if they don't change! 

It includes 12 modules to support you to heal your inner child from beginning to end! No longer feeling like victims of the past but empowered survivors  who finally realise their worth! 

If you need additional support like a one to one coaching session to add to this package just drop Manpreet an email manpreet@heartshappiness.co.uk

Sending lots of love and healing vibes

Manpreet xx

EXPANSION🎙️🦋 – 5 Part Manifestation Podcast Series for the OVERGIVING heart centred women who is ready to CLAIM health AND wealth..no more waiting

The 5 part manifestation podcast series for the highly ambitious OVERGIVING heart centred women who is READY to attract her DREAM bank balance but not at the cost of health ANYMORE! That is right You are DONE with burning yourself doing ALL OF THE THINGS and taking care of everyone else but you. Working SO hard to help your clients, reach your BIG GOALS and your body struggling with it all whilst no matter how much you earn it just never feels ENOUGH even when you hit those big goals like 5 figure months and 6 figure year. 

You want to feel healthy, energised whilst you do work that you love AND have an overflow of money so you can take your family on surprise holidays , going on those amazing spiritual retreats and hire all the support you need in your business/life.  And you know actually enjoy life! Not lay awake anxious worrying about what you need to do next to reach your ambitious goals

That was not your dream when you followed your dream to help others! 

You are done with the YEARS  investing in your healing journey  , therapy,  constantly feeling like you need to fix yourself and yet you STILL don't have the body and you never feel safe with money no matter how much you earn!   You just want to feel HEALTHY and not be sick. Have the energy for life again without the chronic symptoms. You constantly caretake , overgive and overwork to support others but you are ready to bring yourself to the TOP of that list!

You are ready to FINALLY move into  a new phase of your healing journey EXPANSION.  To actually make your dreams a REALITY HEALTH + WEALTH in 2024. 

Your unconscious mind literally will choose the familiar hell you are used to rather than a new unfamiliar heaven. Your high ambition has recreated the chaos of your childhood and you are READY to take radical responsibility for it. Even though you want it more than anything. This is because your mind and body considers it as ‘safe’ and ‘normal’. When actually it is everything but!

So its like you cannot escape your past but that is because you haven't be shown how to self heal from the trauma impacting your wealth and health. This is why you are constantly chasing money and body and its NEVER ENOUGH. That is right its another layer of healing but in this podcast series you will be learning HOW you can do this! To empower yourself to change your story! 

To feel so confident , energised and healthy in body! No longer dreading doctors visits or bloods tests wondering what disease is coming for you! But actually loving your body so much that is loves you back! With wellness

Rolling around in cash to amplify your life so you don't have to struggle anymore. doing all the things for everyone but you. 

Time to get the body and the bank balance. 

Learn how to unlock your nervous system to EXPAND  and get out of survival so you are a MAGNET for CASH AND HEALTHY CELLS, ORGANS , BLOODS the works 

It is time for you to be healthy AND wealthy! Binge listen to 5 episodes NOW (+ extra special bonus episode) .....

Manifest Magic – The framework to stop trauma f-ing with your future ✨ 2024 New Formula

You have had the realisation that you have put everyone before yourself your whole life and now your life just isn't where you want it to be! 

You are sick of being last on your list and you are ready for MORE! You are done with the constant pattern of healing and exhausting yourself.

Feeling like you need to do more and more to get there!

In your dark moments you wonder if you should just give up on your dream and just be ok with where you are at. Just accept it.. because for whatever reason the universe doesn’t want you to have it

But that desire just doesn’t shift! Which frustrates you . You actually can’t let this go.

You have no other choice but to go all in! No more waiting

This dream is meant for you that is why it is on your heart. The reason you have got stuck is because of the past. This has created limiting  beliefs, protective behaviours patterns and your nervous system has limited your capacity to receive as it was wired for survival not expansion. Your body LITERALLY doesn't feel safe to receive but that's ok because I am going to teach you how.

You are so READY to attract MAGIC into your life and change your story. But you are done with waiting. You are ready to GO ALL IN to create a new life in 6 months.

You want to take the overwhelm out and get all the steps from someone who is a MANIFESTATION MAGNET

Magnetic Money 💷 - The money manifestation course for the OVERGIVING heart centred women

The money manifestation course for the OVERGIVING heart centred women who is READY to attract her DREAM bank balance after a LIFETIME of feeling anxious about money.

Sometimes you may even get there but it doesn’t feel enough – so you go again to get more! You work harder, do more just to try and feel safe around money. It either disappears quicker than you made it or you hoard it in your savings account. But no amount of money in there feels enough! You can’t let go of its hold on you.

An unexpected expense can push you over the edge. You have been working on it though and are getting better at showing yourself some love by investing in your healing journey. You name it you have invested in it – in order to fix yourself!

You so long for an overflowing bank account without feeling guilt/shame free when you book yourself on that spiritual retreat in Mexico or take your family on a luxury all expense holiday or invest in that nutritionist!  You would love to be able to have the overflow so you can get that damn cleaner, gardener and support with business. Or the overflow so you can quit that shit job and go for your purpose. But you tell yourself … one day when I have the cash, higher salary, more clients etc etc THEN I can go for my dreams

It doesn’t come though.

So you keep doing MORE in order to feel worthy. More work , more giving, more healing. Then you just get so frustrated because your like maybe this manifestation stuff just doesn’t work FOR ME! GRRR. You have read about it in all the books but you tell yourself for me it’s just not possible.

You are an action taker. You do the stuff your therapist etc told you to do. But still you can’t seem to get into a space of OVERFLOW with your money and it making you feel unsafe no matter how much there is.

Newsflash my love this isn’t actually about the money. I am going to take a guess that you didn’t always feel safe as a kid around money. Maybe your parents argued about it, maybe there just wasn’t enough, or your parents were immigrants or you didn’t always feel provided for and like your needs got met all the time.  Trauma as a kid can really F with our relationship with money!

Roll in your trauma informed fairy godmother ME! TADA!!! Manpreet Johal Bernie to the rescue!

You probably don’t know this but you have an anxious/avoidant relationship with money. Because you don’t believe its always going to be there for you. Securely attached people EXPECT money to flow and it does. It's not about being good enough or good or bad. Money is just energy and its available to everyone!

However because of whatever happened in the past you are not an energetic match for it ….YET! We just need to use self healing on  this wound and get that money OVERFLOWING to you! This is proactive and shifts energy fast! NO MORE WAITING!

I teach you exactly HOW to do this in my course  Magnetic Money including how to make your body feel SAFE to receive! This is from my 6 month programme Overflow -  Health + Abundance creator for the overgiving heart centred woman which is £3333 for 6 months but you get the framework for money creation for just £99!!!!!

So no more chasing crumbs of cash it's time to get consistent reliable money flowing to you all year around ! So you can allow money to amplify your life not control how worthy you feel.

Learn more and let’s start being a magnet for all the cash to change your life! What you going to use the overflow for???? And don’t worry I am also going to teach you how to actually enjoy your cash without guilt and shame . Plus how to hold on to it so you have a perfect balance.  

Overflow - Health + wealth abundance creator for the over-giving, heart centred woman

Cycle breakers -  move past your endless winter of healing to manifest HEALTH AND WEALTH !! Become the co-creator of your health and wealth without burning out your body!  Doing work that sets your soul on fire and honours you empathic and sensitive nature.

🥳Celebrating how far you have come PAST trauma. What a magnificent achievement. You are feeling safer in your mind, body and soul. You can feel the difference and its amazing. Things that used to trigger you just aren’t anymore. You’ve healed so much through the winter of healing. You had that grim dark night of the soul.

Therapy and healing  helped but NOW You are ready for more.  To move past the trauma..


To unleash your new identity


No more surviving, you are now ready to live a life of THRIVING!


To create the life your soul came here for ! No more waiting , putting up with just enough, and ignoring those desires. YOU ARE READY TO GO FOR IT. 


I get it your so READY for more. To Live a more intentional life. A life of your creation for you and the next generation. Where you are debt free and rich AF! Whilst being full of energy , vitality and no chronic symptoms! No more choosing health or wealth you get abundance of both doing work you love!


I KNOW YOU  when you try and PUSH YOURSELF to EXPAND your wealth it end up hurting  your body as you drain your own resources. Or sometimes you :

💙Self-Sabotage with trying to make things perfect, trying to control every aspect of life but as a result struggling to take action towards actual change

💙Get mad and drive yourself mad when you get caught in anxiety/worry about what will happen. You worry about money, you worry about health, you worry about relationships. The burden of this worry is weighing heavy on your heart and makes you sick - but you are ready to release so you can finally take a breath of calm and peace!

💙KNOW you deserve more - but past trauma has a way of rearing it's ugly head whenever you try to move forward. And the healing work you've done just hasn't supported growth into the life you actually want. Still chasing after money to feel safe and supported. Whilst feeling shattered in your body with how much you have given to you healing journey and trying to force the changes!

💙You love woo woo (join the club) - but every manifestation coach, book, podcast, youtube video you've consumed you've been inspired by - but the action is slow or non existent. You feel like there is something wrong with you. But there is a part of you that knows you can live your best life - if you can just break through that block.

💙Sometimes tell yourself to just let go of this dream of doing work that changes lives AND where you can be debt free with an overflow of money and energy to enjoy your own life. But you literally cannot let the dream go! It drives you mad sometimes that your soul just keeps telling you to follow this path that feels unsafe and impossible but you want it more than anything. Your soul knows you can do it but the mind holds you back!

💙You understand your family trauma and know there is a better way to live life - but you're scared that if you change rapidly and too fast - that you'll be judged for "putting yourself first". You secretly wish everyone would just be happy about the choices you want to make for yourself.

💙The way you feel about yourself affects every area of your life. You feel shit about your body, you feel shit about your bank balance, you feel shit about your relationships. But you also have the capacity for SO MUCH love for self, you want to learn to receive and hold money, and you're ready a nourishing, loving and supportive relationships with your bank balance AND your body! 

💙You  are not interested in false promises that you see in the self improvement world.  You want simple, easy, systems you can apply to your life to create the change you want from someone who is living proof that it works and it’s trauma informed! The part of you that is worthy and deserving of EVERYTHING you want is ready to finally step out of your shadow. To heal your relationship with money and your body once and for all!!!!


How  does it feel when I say in 6 months..

✅You ARE free of financial sabotages like overspendings or feeling too scared to spend so constantly saving in order to feel safe. You feel safe and secure with money and its always flowing to you!

✅You no longer undercharge or accept low salaries! You know your worth and are an energetic match for more money without the overworking and over giving

✅You can see that your debts are clearing! That more money is finding you all of the time!! With such ease

✅You feel neutral with money and that allows you to attract money and spend money without shame or guilt on experiences you have had on your vision board for decades!!!

✅You follow your intuitive guidance to attract wealth and health no longer letting fears hold you back from stepping into you magnetic creation power

✅You HAVE stopped sabotaging yourself and taking action to make dreams come true  ENJOYING the journey not just the destination

✅You are a magnet for health AND health not one or the other. Nothing feels forced, and everything happens with ease. You are BEING the new you NOW

✅Pinching yourself that you are living in the dream we talked about in our first session together! It is finally here AND you feel confident DREAM even bigger and know that from this point on you can manifest EVERYTHING you want and more. But you're sat there celebrating the person who decided 6 months prior that she was a priority and deserved this!

✅Your body is showing signs of healing! Sleeping better, anxiety is easing, chronic symptoms are calming down/vanishing and you are full of energy to go for your dreams ekk!

✅Your emotional numbing sabotages like emotional eating or emotional spending are rarely happening! You are more in control of your health and your finances.

✅You cry happy tears that the girl that went through all that suffering has found her way to a peaceful happy life that fills you with so much joy and life force energy NOW!

✅Feeling empowered and that you are the creator of your life no matter the obstacles along the way you are resilient and find your way to your dreams always come

✅Feeling so excited about what is to come and that ANYTHING is possible for you! Your dreams get bigger as 6 months is just the beginning !




This is the space where as a community we WILL BE expanding our finances whilst supporting and healing our bodies. Balancing our masculine and feminine energies, healing from our ancestral trauma around body and bank and literally birthing a new identity that makes you magnetic to wealth and health!  No chasing just being you ! Finally moving away from the trauma of your past to build a whole new life!


Super charge your Self Worth Self learning

Super charge yourself worth to up level to the life designed by your highest self. No more letting self sabotage, procastination and self belief hold you back.  This is an 8 week course Learn how to create a life you dream of without letting the trauma of the past hold you back.

Your soul came here to live and incredible life. To fulfil its purpose! Fear and trauma can hold us back. Now you understand generational trauma and feel safer in your body life is already improving. But are you ready for more? For a life that is alignment with what you came here for! More money, more love, more abundance, more joy and more fulfillment. You are worthy of that! 


A FREE 5 day Tapping for Money Challenge with VIP LIFE TIME ACCESS to replays and a bonus group hot seat coaching call with Manpreet Monday 28th October 2024

Are you ready to reignite your MONEY FLOW to have the most abundant year without burn out?
For your financial comeback after a tricky 2024 cash flow wise!
It is time to stop chasing money with overworking and waiting for the financial rewards that never feel enough so you do more
You are done with the waiting and READY to take action steps to be the rich AF you NOW whilst being chilled AF doing the heart centred work you were MEANT FOR! 
Goodbye Money anxiety . Hello Abundance and overflowing bank account!

Soulful Success: Redesigning Your Business to Thrive After Burnout 5 Part Audio Course

A 5-Part Audio Course to Heal, Align, Build a Soul-Led Six-Figure Business That Feeds Your Purpose and Prosperity 

You’ve achieved big things in your heart centred spiritual business. As you get shit done! Such an action taker . You always have been. 

5 figure months ✅ that 6 figure year that everyone wants✅.  But It didn't feel enough  ....when you hit that goal so you pushed again and again to the next big goal. Always chasing your next self imposed target. 

You ignored your own needs and now burnout or illness has made you question everything. You know you can't on the same way anymore. But you know you can't give up either

Your ambition drives you. You know your meant for big things in this world. To change many lives. Your client have great results and are thriving but you are not. You know things need to change in 2025. As the overworking and pushing yourself to achieve is just not sustainable.

You can't put your mental, emotional and physical health last anymore. 

You are READY to rebuild a business that nourishes your body, soul, and bank account—without overworking or sacrificing your well-being. That supports YOU AND YOUR CLIENTS. 

Listen to this 5 part audio could to learn how to rebuild your business aligned to your body and your soul.

Tending to Your Roots

The 2 hour Planning Masterclass for Heart led Empathic Spiritual highly ambitious women to clear the Soil for Soul aligned Business and Life Growth in 2025 for £55

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